Current Fall Favorites: Striped Sweaters and White Chicken Chilli

Striped cropped sweater, striped bell bottoms, cowboy boots

So, even though it’s still hot as heck in Nashville, I have been in full on fall mode. Fall outfits, fall food, pumpkin spice coffee, as far as I’m concerned, it’s fall. I don’t care if it’s still 90 degrees, I’m blasting my AC and wearing sweaters and making comfort food because while I love summer, I am soooo over it and ready for my favorite season to start! The other day when I was making dinner, I decided I was tired of the barbecue chicken that I had been making when I wanted an easy chicken dish, so I looked in my fridge to see what else I could use to marinate it. I had sour cream, so I googled sour cream chicken and found this recipe. I didn’t have a lot of the ingredients, and I was cooking the chicken in the oven from frozen, so I had to improvise and ended up with my a really tasty white chicken chilli! Since it was a super easy recipe to make and it’s a great one to meal-prep ahead of time, I thought I would share my adaptation.

First off, let me start by saying that there is a reason that I am predominantly a fashion blogger and NOT a food blogger. And today I realized what that reason is. By the time I’m finished cooking my kitchen is a MESS and pretty food pictures are just not gonna happen. So let me warn you that while I may not have gorgeous pictures of the food, I promise it tastes good. I did my best, okay? lol

White Chicken Chilli
easy white chicken chilli ingredients

What you’ll need:

  • 4 Tbsp Butter

  • 4 Tbsp Flour

  • 2.5 Cups Chicken Broth

  • Taco Seasoning to taste (I used Trader Joes)

  • 3 Frozen Chicken Breasts (I love the individually wrapped Costco kind!)

  • Half an onion, chopped finely

  • 1.4 Cups Frozen Corn

  • 1 Can Black Beans

  • 1.5 Cups Sour Cream (+ more to top chilli with if desired)

  • Shredded Cheese

What to do:

  1. Pre-heat your oven to 375

  2. While your oven is preheating, put your chicken breasts in a baking pan and put them in the oven. Since I cook them from frozen, I put them in the oven while I get started on the sauce, even if the oven is still pre-heating just to get them a little bit thawed out before I pour the sauce over them.

  3. Melt your butter in a large sauce pan over medium heat, then once it’s melted add your flour. Stir for about a minute until it’s smooth and starts to bubble, then slowly add your chicken broth (this is the step I borrowed from the original recipe I found! From here I kind of did my own thing but this is how I got my base so I wanted to make sure to site them!)

  4. Stir chicken broth mixture until smooth and thickened, this can take about 10 minutes or so, then add in your desired amount of taco seasoning and stir until mixed in evenly.

  5. Carefully take your chicken out of the oven, and pour the chicken broth mix over the top, it should cover most of the chicken. Put chicken back in the oven for about 20 more minutes (give or take, depending on your oven).

  6. While your chicken is baking, chop your onions and sautee them until they are slightly translucent.

  7. After about 20 minutes, take your chicken out of the oven and flip it. Return it to the oven for another 10 minutes or so.

  8. Once the chicken is cooked, take it out and carefully (I splashed myself during this step and it HURTS so be super careful) shred your chicken.

  9. Once chicken is fully shredded, add in your onions, corn, drained black beans, and sour cream. Stir until mixed. (optional, add about 1/2 cup of cheese).

  10. Put pan back in the oven for about 10 more minutes.

  11. Serve. We like to top ours with shredded cheese and a spoonful of sour cream!

  12. ENJOY!